Change Happens Community Development Corporation’s mission is to transform neighborhoods through renovations and constructing high-quality affordable dwellings for low-to-moderate income residents.

Our Story
In 1983, Rev Leslie Smith II dreamed he purchased 3 crack houses and renovated them. Once renovated, he began to counsel, educate, preach and give out information that caused people to line up outside because they saw people come in one way, and left changed. In the same dream, Rev Smith dreamed he built a building, and the process repeated itself but tripled. Tens of thousands of people gathered all around the building trying to get in the building because people were leaving changed. In 1994, those crack houses were purchased thus creating the foundation for the Change Happens Community Development Corporation.
Since that dream, Change Happens CDC has purchased and renovated in excess of 50 crack, drug-infested homes in what is called "Crack Alley" and "The Bottom" of Third Ward, Houston. In 2001, there was a noted need of community development specifically designed for and targeting the hardest hit, greatest at-risk areas of Houston , TX. This need was not only for well constructed, low income, living and the rehabilitation of drug-infested, dilapidated homes in this area; it also included a need for high quality, retail, business and service oriented structures.
In 2003, that need was brought to light and culminated with the creation of Change Happens CDC and it’s initial venture, a new 27,000 square foot three story building that was in the 1983 dream, that would serve as the headquarters for Change Happens! and the numerous community services they provide.